Seeking Home Network Happiness

Andy Levy

TL;DR: My home firewall/router is slow, please help me pick out a new one.

After replacing my firewall/router/WiFi access point one too many times, I’m ready to get off the upgrade treadmill and buy something better than the consumer-grade gear sold at Staples.

T-SQL Tuesday #157: End of Year Activity

Andy Levy

T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party hosted by a different community member each month, and this month Garry Bargsley (blog | twitter) wants to know what activities we undertake to wrap up the year.

My ask is, what do you have planned for end-of-year activities for your SQL environment? Do you have annual processes or procedures you run? Do you clean up documentation? Do you just take time off and hope someone else does the work?

Leaving (or minimizing) Twitter

Andy Levy

Fairly short post here. Due to the recent events around Twitter (which I will not get into), I’m making an effort to reduce or completely cease my activity on that platform. My Contact page has been updated with all of the below accounts/sites.

PASS Data Community Summit 2022

Andy Levy

As I write this, it’s the weekeend before PASS Data Community Summit 2022 and depending upon when I finish, it’ll post either shortly before SQL Saturday Oregon, or in time for folks to read it on SQLTrain en route to Seattle. Summit has snuck up on me this year and far more than any other year, I’m feeling woefully unprepared.

Community Tools Month 2022 - dbatools

Andy Levy
The Prompt In July, Brent Ozar (blog | twitter) asked us to make September Community Tools Awareness Month. In September, I want you to improve community knowledge about one free tool that you rely on every week in order to get your job done. I’m sure it will come as no surprise to readers of this blog, but I’m going to select the amazing PowerShell module dbatools. dbatools Is for Everyone Despite what the name may imply, dbatools is a valuable toolkit for anyone who needs to interact with SQL Server.

Meetings Are Work Too

Andy Levy
So Many Meetings I’ve said it. We’ve all said it. I can’t get any work done today, I’ve got so many meetings. I need to be reminded on occasion that for most of us, the meetings are work too. They are part of the job and we need to think of them as such. But I get it. I’m a technical professional. If you’re reading this blog, you probably are too.

T-SQL Tuesday 153: The Conference Changed Everything For Me

Andy Levy
T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party hosted by a different community member each month, and this month Kevin Kline (blog | twitter) asks us to talk about an IT conference that resulted in a major opportunity. Tell us the story of how attending an IT conference or event resulted in an amazing career or life opportunity. It will be a common refrain in this community, but I’m going to pick a PASS Summit.

Why You (usually) Want a Clustered Index

Andy Levy

Note: I originally wrote this a few years ago but never posted it. It resurfaced when I migrated the blog so it’s being posted now.

After watching Kevin Kline’s (blog | twitter) webinar Essential Tasks to a Successful Cloud Migration, I downloaded the T-SQL scripts to run them against some of my databases. One of the included queries identifies tables with forwarded fetches and right on top of the list was a table with over 1.6 billion forwarded fetches in the roughly 3 weeks since the instance was last restarted.