PASS Summit 2019 Wrap-Up

I’m home from PASS Summit 2019, recovered from the travel, and in the post-Summit “I miss #SQLFamily” funk. Time to recap the week, maybe a bit differently than it’s been done in the past (at least by me). Not going to get too far into the technical stuff because what was thrown at us was a bit overwhelming, and it’ll take a while for it to all soak in. I’m going to tell the story of my Summit 2019 experience through shoutouts to the folks I connected and reconnected with. Let’s see how this format works out.

Monday Morning Module Maintenance Monoliners

Or: Andy Authors An Amazing Alliteration

Do enough work with PowerShell and you’ll build up a decent collection of modules installed from the gallery into either your computer or your user profile (or maybe both!). Here are two one-liners to help keep things up to date and tidy.

Note: I’m calling these one-liners but I’ve inserted line breaks for readability here. These do count as one-liners as each one is a single, unbroken PowerShell pipeline.

SQL Saturday Rochester Returns!

We have just published SQL Saturday Rochester 2020. We took last year off but we’re back for 2020 on a very special day - it’s Leap Day, February 29th!

What is SQL Saturday?

PASS SQL Saturday is a free training event for professionals who use the Microsoft data platform. These community events offer content across data management, cloud and hybrid architechture, analytics, AI, and more.

What Else is SQL Saturday?

SQL Saturday is also:

Preparing for PASS Summit - Odds and Ends

This is the final installment in my series of posts which I hope will help you (and me!) prepare for the upcoming PASS Summit November 4-8, 2019 in Seattle, Washington.

Find Me!

Summit is only a week away now and I’m hoping to reconnect with friends and meet new folks. I will be all over the place all week - just look for the hat or ping me on Twitter or the SQL Community Slack at @ALevyInROC! A few things that are definitely set:

Preparing for PASS Summit - Sessions!

This is the third in my series of posts which I hope will help you (and me!) prepare for the upcoming PASS Summit November 4-8, 2019 in Seattle, Washington.

So Many Sessions!

Summit 2019 is offering 234 regular sessions Wednesday through Friday plus 21 pre-con sessions on Monday and TuesdayYou’ve hopefully selected these already. It’s an embarrassment of riches and you can very easily get stuck trying to figure out which sessions to attend.

Preparing for PASS Summit - Networking and Events

This is my second post in a series which I hope will help you (and me!) prepare for the upcoming PASS Summit November 4-8, 2019 in Seattle, Washington.

Networking, Networking!

Where the Real Benefits From Summit Are Realized

One of if not the most valuable parts of PASS Summit is the networking opportunities. People keep talk about it everywhere. Network, network, network. Usually it’s in the context of finding jobs but this is an important skill to have even if you’re not going anywhere!

T-SQL Tuesday #119 - Changing Your Mind

For T-SQL Tuesday this month, Alex Yates (blog | twitter) gives us this challenge:

I would like you to write about something in your IT career that you have changed your mind about. What was your original opinion? Why did you believe that? What do you believe now? Why did you change your mind?

T-SQL Tuesday Logo

You are welcome to discuss technical or non-technical topics. Feel free to go as deeply technical or as personal and human as you like. Brain-melting technical posts about the inner workings of the SQL engine or effective machine learning architectures in Azure are great. SQL 101 posts or perspectives on age old debates such as tabs and spaces or where to put your commas are great too. Human posts about effective teamwork or diversity or wellbeing in tech are also great.

Preparing for PASS Summit 2019 - Logistics & Survival

It’s time once again to prepare ourselves for the endurance test that is PASS Summit, November 5-8. I’ve participated in the Summit Buddies program the past two years, but am taking this year off from it. Instead, I’m collecting information I’ve sent to to my buddies ahead of past Summits and posting it here on my blog, in hopes that it helps folks out. This is going to be broken down into a couple posts.

The "Go Pack"

I’ve found myself traveling quite a bit this year, with more travel on the horizon. Like many, I travel with a fair bit of technology and of course that means keeping things charged - both on the go and at rest.

And, like a lot of folks, before every trip I found myself running around the house collecting cords, chargers and adapters to toss into a Ziplock bag. Then unpacking and returning them to their correct places when I got home. It works, but what a pain!

T-SQL Tuesday #118 – Your Fantasy SQL Feature

It’s early September, which means it’s time for T-SQL Tuesday! This month’s topic comes from Kevin Chant (blog | twitter). Our mission, should we choose to accept it (click the image to see the original invite):

T-SQL Tuesday Logo

Recently I’ve had to submit suggestions to Microsoft about Azure DevOps and SQL Server.

I will admit a couple of the suggestions had certainly been in my head for a while. In fact, I wish I had suggested them sooner.