Upgrading Ola Hallengren's Maintenance Solution with dbatools

Andy Levy
While presenting Backup Basics with PowerShell and dbatools at ONDT, I mentioned a caveat with the -ReplaceExisting switch for Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution. This switch drops all of the objects installed by the Maintenance Solution, including the CommandLog table. If you use that table to produce evidence that the various maintenance tasks are being performed on a regular basis or use it to track performance of those tasks over time, dropping that table presents a problem.

A Non-Technical Reason to Not Use SELECT *

Andy Levy
I got a merge a while back that included a change I wasn’t expecting from one of my developers. All they were doing was renaming a column on a table. We had names settled a while ago. What’s up with that? Turns out, when I created the table, I named one of the fields BrithYear. This merge request corrected it to BirthYear. The misspelling slipped past me, past everyone else, it was only discovered because when this developer was building the a new query into their code, they spelled the field as one would expect, and the query threw an error.

T-SQL Tuesday #133 - Taking a Break

Andy Levy
T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party hosted by a different community blogger each month, and this month James McGillivray (blog | twitter) asks us about our views on vacations, escapes, or other breaks. I’d like to know about your own views on vacations, escapes or other breaks. Whether it’s work, technology, or any other situation that you need to get away from. Plans, memories, or relaxing activities, I want them all!

Slides & Demos for Backup Basics with PowerShell & dbatools

Andy Levy
I had the honor of presenting a new session, Backup Basics with PowerShell and dbatools, at the first Ohio North Database Training meeting this evening. Thank you to the group leaders for the opportunity and to everyone who attended. Because this was both a brand new session and an attempt at a new way of delivering the presentation, I had a couple tech glitches but things went pretty well once they were understood and ironed out.

2020 Year in Review

Andy Levy
Yeah, so…that was a hell of a year, wasn’t it? Short-Form Reviews of Year 2020 Reviewer #1: 👎 Reviewer #2: ★✩✩✩✩, would not recommend Best Laid Plans… The year started out really well. I was getting into a good groove at the new job, I spoke at SQL Saturday Cleveland and SQL Saturday Rochester ran smoothly. My session for SQL Saturday Raleigh was accepted too, I submitted a session for SQL Saturday Albany, and I was invited to present remotely for SQL Professionals of Chattanooga.

New-DbatoolsQuestion | Invoke-DbatoolsDiscussion -Platform Github

Andy Levy
Chrissy LeMaire (blog | twitter) pinged me earlier this week to tell me about Github Discussions. It’s a new feature of Github which is similar to Stack Exchange, but much more focused - it’s just for your project/repository! Get help, start discussions, share tips & tricks. She’s enabled this feature for the dbatools repository and it’s open for business. Go check it out and start posting questions, answers, or both!

Reflections on PASS Virtual Summit 2020

Andy Levy
PASS Summit 2020 has wrapped up (or is in the process of wrapping up), and as with years past, I’m getting this written while the experience is still fresh in my mind. This is also my long-form event evaluation. We’ve Moved! We’re Closed! The announcement that Summit 2020 was to be held in Houston brought was both disappointment and excitement. I enjoy visiting Seattle and have gotten to know little bits of it.

T-SQL Tuesday #132 - Coping With the Pandemic

Andy Levy
This week is a double-whammy of activity - T-SQL Tuesday and PASS Summit 2020. T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party hosted by a different community blogger each month, and this month Taiob Ali (blog | twitter) asks us how we’re coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, 8 months in. 2020 is a unique year for all of us. We are living through a worldwide crisis that most of us have not seen or experienced.

Restoring Database Users After Copying the Database

Andy Levy
A former colleague emailed me with a question about retaining/fixing database users and permissions after restoring a database. They were copying a database from one instance to another, with different logins, users, and permissions between the two instances. Backup & restore to copy the database is easy enough, but because users & permissions are kept inside the database itself, the destination environment loses all its permissions settings in the process. What to do?

Shell to Script Shortcut

Andy Levy
I’ve been meaning to write something this post for a while but the stars have aligned this week. Garry Bargsley (blog | twitter) published a post about making a schema-only copy of a database on the day that I needed to solve that exact problem. But that’s not what this is about. It’s just a convenient way to demonstrate this shortcut. I’m sure that a lot of folks do work on the PowerShell command line, trying various things, before committing to writing a full script or function.