
On the Internet, the Walls Have Ears

I received a sobering reminder this week of a lesson we all have learned or should have learned long ago. Something I said online came back around months later in a completely unexpected way.

That lesson? No matter how careful you think you are online, no matter how private you think an online place is, someone is watching.

A few weeks ago, I received an unsolicited email at work selling a software product. It was a pretty vague message, saying “hey, you should try our product to solve this problem.” Thought nothing of it, I get that sort of thing at work on occasion. I marked the email as spam and figured that was the end of it. A few hours later the same message arrived via LinkedIn from the same person. They really want to make a sale, I guess.

Leaving (or minimizing) Twitter

Fairly short post here. Due to the recent events around Twitter (which I will not get into), I’m making an effort to reduce or completely cease my activity on that platform. My Contact page has been updated with all of the below accounts/sites.

2020 Year in Review

Yeah, so…that was a hell of a year, wasn’t it?

Short-Form Reviews of Year 2020

Reviewer #1: 👎

Reviewer #2: ★✩✩✩✩, would not recommend

Best Laid Plans…

The year started out really well. I was getting into a good groove at the new job, I spoke at SQL Saturday Cleveland and SQL Saturday Rochester ran smoothly. My session for SQL Saturday Raleigh was accepted too, I submitted a session for SQL Saturday Albany, and I was invited to present remotely for SQL Professionals of Chattanooga. I was visiting and hanging out with #SQLFamily on a somewhat regular basis and it was awesome!

2019 Year in Review

As we open 2020 (and the house is still quiet on this New Year’s Morning), I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year.


2019 was another good year here. I published 32 posts totaling over 21,000 words! What really amazes me is that a post from 2018 is consistently one of the most popular ones. I must have done a really good job on the SEO with that one.

Wordpress's Block Editor and the Publicize Feature

Like many folks using Wordpress, I post a tweet each time I publish a blog entry and that’s done automatically by Wordpress. In the Wordpress Classic Editor, there was a section in the sidebar next to the post to select where the post was publicized (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and customize the accompanying text. By default, the message is just the post’s title, but I like to add in hashtags when appropriate so being able to edit that text is important to me. After switching to the new Block Editor in Wordpress 5, I couldn’t find those settings. Here’s how to get them back.

2018 Year in Review

As we open 2019, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year.


2018 was my biggest year of blogging yet! I published 28 posts and got more traffic than I ever thought possible, thanks in no small part to being linked by Brent Ozar’s (blog|twitter) newsletter.

I also moved my blog to its own domain (which you’re looking at now), with independent hosting. I’d been putting this off for over a year. The old Wordpress subdomain name was clunky and I don’t feel like it properly reflected the direction I’ve taken since setting it up. I’ve had a few bumps along the way which I can’t quite explain (and as a result, didn’t get a post out for New Year’s Eve as I’d hoped), but I’m enjoying the freedom of having my own domain and full control of what I do in managing the site.

Here Comes the New Blog. Same as the Old Blog.

Welcome to the new home of my blog! I’ve had this domain for over a year but with PASS Summit 2018 coming up soon I decided it was time to make the move official.

I’ve brought all the content over from the old site but all new content will be appearing here. I’ll throw a new coat of paint on at some point just to freshen things up.