
Don't Forget the Network

A few weeks ago I was looking at a query and got tripped up by the network and my own forgetfulness. It was a pretty simple query with a simple-looking execution plan. It didn’t even do that much work. About 20K logical reads and returned 200K records. For a server as large as the one I was working with, this should have been nothing. Instead, was waiting three minutes to get my results. My first thought was “aha, this query must need tuning, maybe a new index.”

I Finally Get Cross Apply!

For years I’ve looked at various queries online in sample code, diagnostic queries using DMVs, and the like and seen CROSS APPLY in the FROM clauses. But I’ve never really managed to comprehend what it was for or how it worked because I never saw a case where it was directly applied to something I was doing.

Finally, this week I had a breakthrough. I was working on updating a bunch of data but it was breaking on a small subset of that data. In this case, I was attempting to JOIN two tables on fields that should have been INTs, but in a very small number of cases one side was using a comma-delimited string. The user told me that someone else had done these updates in the past and didn’t encounter the problem I was having (so I knew that it was something i was doing “wrong”), but given that it was only a handful of broken updates she was OK with manually doing the updates (we were scripting it because we were updating potentially tens of thousands of records).

Adding Application Name to Invoke-SqlCmd2

In a previous post, I expressed some frustration over Invoke-SqlCmd not setting an Application Name for its ODBC connection, leaving us with the generic .NET SqlClient Library when looking at active sessions in sp_who2 and sp_whoisactive (and any other monitoring tool). Unfortunately, I can’t really do anything about Invoke-SqlCmd aside from posting a suggestion on Connect or the Client Tools Trello board, but Invoke-SqlCmd2 has the same issue and that’s on GitHub. So, here we go!

Make Your Application's Name Heard

Odds are, you’ve got more than one application or script accessing your database or SQL Server instance at any given time. You’re probably stacking them on a small number of servers in an attempt to cut down on licensing costs and resource usage. All those PowerShell scripts running on the central job server are running under a single service account, and you’ve got a lazy vendor who set up both the website and back-end application server to run under the same account, maybe even on a single app/web server.

Name Your Defaults So SQL Server Doesn't

Something in SQL Server that isn’t always obvious to beginners is that when you create a default value for a column on a table, SQL Server creates a constraint (much like a primary or foreign key). All constraints must have a name, and if one isn’t specified SQL Server will generate one for you. For example:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[point_types] (
   [typeid] [int] NOT NULL DEFAULT(NEXT VALUE FOR [pointtypeid])
  ,[typename] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Unspecified'

We’ve got a simple table here and both fields have a default value set (the primary key’s value is generated from a sequence object, pointtypeid). Time goes on, and a change in policy comes up which requires that I change the default value of typename to Unknown. To do this, I have to drop the constraint and re-create it. To find the name of the constraint, I can either ask sp_help, or run this query:

Don't Trust the Wizard

The one wizard you can trust

If you need to move data from one table into a new table, or even tables in a database into another database, the Import/Export Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio looks pretty tempting. Set up a source & destination, click a few buttons, kick back with a cup of tea and watch the progress bars, right?

It turns out that the wizard just isn’t as smart as it may seem. If you’re not careful, you won’t get what you’re expecting. Let’s check it out.

Padding Fields for Fixed-Position Data Formats

Fixed-position data formats will seemingly be with us forever. Despite the relative ease of parsing CSV (or other delimited formats), or even XML, many data exchanges require a fixed-position input. Characters 1-10 are X, characters 11-15 are Y and if the source data is fewer than 5 characters, we have to left-pad with a filler character, etc. When you’re accustomed to working with data that says what it means and means what it says, having to add “extra fluff” like left-padding your integers with a half-dozen zeroes can be a hassle.

Connecting SQLite to SQL Server with PowerShell

This post is part of Ed Leighton-Dick’s SQL New Blogger Challenge. Please follow and support these new (or reborn) bloggers.

I’m working with a number of SQLite databases as extra data sources in addition to the SQL Server database I’m primarily using for a project. Brian Davis (blog|twitter) wrote a blog post a few years ago that covers setting up the connection quite well. In my case, I’ve got nine SQLite databases to connect to, and that gets tedious. PowerShell to the rescue!

PASS Summit: Things to Do, People to See

PASS Summit is nearly upon us. I’m excited to be attending my second Summit in Seattle and cannot wait to get there to see everyone. With one Summit and a few SQL Saturdays under my belt I’ve got a laundry list of things and people I can’t miss, and very little time to pack it all into.

Let’s Meet!

The greatest part of Summit (and SQL Saturday) for me is meeting people and exchanging ideas. If you haven’t experienced it, #SQLFamily is amazing. When I reached the convention center two years ago, the first feeling that hit me was “I finally found my people!” We’re all friendly, I swear. Just say “hi, I’m .”  I guarantee you will find people who are into the same stuff you’re into, and I’m not talking just talking about SQL Server. Music, dance, outdoor activities, all kinds of stuff. We have a common thing that brought us together, but that’s not what keeps us together. It is an amazing community and it just keeps getting better. On Sunday, as you’re decompressing from the event and travel, you will miss these people who you didn’t even know a week before.

SQL Saturday Trip Report - Cleveland 2014

This past weekend I made the journey to Cleveland, OH (Westlake, actually) for SQL Saturday #241. I’ve attended two local SQL Saturdays in the past (helping organize/run one), but seeing the list of speakers and knowing a few of the local chapter members, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit.


I packed my bags and hit the road. It’s about a 300 mile trip so I gassed up, settled in with my backlog of podcasts and set the cruise control. The drive was almost zen-like. The sky was clear and the sun shining (almost painfully bright) and I don’t recall the last time I took a road trip solo. It was a very relaxing drive.