2018 Year in Review
As we open 2019, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on the past year.
2018 was my biggest year of blogging yet! I published 28 posts and got more traffic than I ever thought possible, thanks in no small part to being linked by Brent Ozar’s (blog|twitter) newsletter.
I also moved my blog to its own domain (which you’re looking at now), with independent hosting. I’d been putting this off for over a year. The old Wordpress subdomain name was clunky and I don’t feel like it properly reflected the direction I’ve taken since setting it up. I’ve had a few bumps along the way which I can’t quite explain (and as a result, didn’t get a post out for New Year’s Eve as I’d hoped), but I’m enjoying the freedom of having my own domain and full control of what I do in managing the site.