
First Time SQL Saturday Speaker Tips

A few years ago, I wrote about my first experience speaking at SQL Saturday. Recently I had a conversation with one of our first-timers speaking at SQL Saturday Rochester 2020 and realized I should do a follow-up with some additional tips.

Use the FAQ

Did you know that PASS has an FAQ section for speakers on the SQL Saturday site? But don’t limit yourself to that - look through the whole FAQ, you might get some new insights into SQL Saturday.

SQL Saturday Rochester Returns!

We have just published SQL Saturday Rochester 2020. We took last year off but we’re back for 2020 on a very special day - it’s Leap Day, February 29th!

What is SQL Saturday?

PASS SQL Saturday is a free training event for professionals who use the Microsoft data platform. These community events offer content across data management, cloud and hybrid architechture, analytics, AI, and more.

What Else is SQL Saturday?

SQL Saturday is also:

SQL Saturday Boston: I’m Speaking!

It feels like SQL Saturday Albany just wrapped up, but I have another announcement to make. I am proud to announce that I have been selected to speak at SQL Saturday Boston on September 14th, 2019. I will be presenting “Keys to a Healthy Relationship with SQL Server” at 11:15 AM.


Developers and DBAs have had a long, sometimes strained relationship. Some developers see DBAs as roadblocks standing in the way of getting their work shipped; some DBAs see developers as agents of chaos bent on ruining their perfect database environments.

SQL Saturday Albany NY 2019

I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting at SQL Saturday #855 in Albany, NY on July 20, 2019. Join me at 2 PM in room LC05 for “dbatools for the Uninitiated

You’ve just inherited a large SQL Server estate, and next month’s merger will double the number of instances you’re responsible for. Or maybe you have one big instance with thousands of databases on it. Are there backups? Are they good? Are your systems in good health?

Tips for Attending a SQL Saturday

Matt (blog | twitter) is preparing for his first SQL Saturday presentation next weekend in Washington, DC. He’s asked:

I wanted to get an idea of some good, bad, and surprise experiences that people had at everything from a SQL Server User Group meeting to PASS Summit. Things you found out right before, during or even after that you were glad you did or wish you did.

Random Thoughts

SQL Saturdays are similar to PASS Summit, but much smaller in scope and budget. Most SQL Saturdays have a twitter hashtag; follow it before the event so you can get an idea of who’s attending and make plans to meet some of those people.

Processing SQL Saturday Raffle Tickets with PowerShell

Every year, I spend the Sunday after SQL Saturday Rochester scanning & processing raffle tickets for our wonderful sponsors. Here’s how the system works:

  • Attendees get tickets (one ticket per sponsor) with their name, the sponsors name, and a QR code on them
  • The QR codes represents a URI, unique to the combination of event, attendee and sponsor.
  • Attendees drop their tickets in a box to enter the sponsor’s raffle prize drawing
  • When the URI from the QR code is accessed, it registers in the SQL Saturday system
  • Organizers run a report for each sponsor that includes the contact info of all attendees who dropped off a raffle ticket, then email the report to the sponsor

It works pretty well, but the hangup is that most QR scanners will open your web browser (or prompt you to open it) to the URL on each scan. For 150+ tickets, this takes a long time. Every year, I lament “oh, how I wish I could just scan these, collect the URLs into a nicely formatted file, and script this whole thing”.

Appearance: SQL Data Partners Podcast

A couple weeks ago Carlos L. Cachon (blog|twitter) put out a call on Twitter looking for SQL Saturday organizers to join him on the SQL Data Partners Podcast. When I signed on to record, I learned that Chris Hyde (blog|twitter) and Eugene Meindinger (blog|twitter) were joining us. I’ve met and spoken with all three previously, so it was easy talking to everyone and I thought the conversation flowed well.

Check out SQL Data Partners Podcast Episode 126: SQLSaturday Edition.

SQL Saturday Returns to Rochester!

I am very happy to announce that SQL Saturday returns to Rochester, NY on March 24, 2018. This is the Flour/Flower City’s seventh SQL Saturday and SQL Saturday #723 overall. This is a little earlier than in years past due to the scheduling of other SQL Saturdays as well as the availability of our venue and key people, and I can’t wait to see how this change works out.

SQL Saturday is a free one-day event for anyone working with the Microsoft data platform. Whether you’re a DBA, developer, work in PowerBI, work with people who spend their day with data, on-premises or in the cloud, or are just curious about it, this is the event for you.

SQL Saturday Returns to Rochester!

The Rochester, NY chapter of PASS is holding our 6th annual SQL Saturday on April 29th, 2017! As always, RIT is hosting our event on campus.

SQL Saturday is a free day of training centered on the Microsoft Data Platform. Volunteer speakers come from all over the country (and sometimes beyond) to share their knowledge with attendees. There are sessions available for professionals of all skill levels, whether you’re just starting to learn about databases or a seasoned veteran, in addition to valuable professional development guidance.