Speaking at SQL Saturday Syracuse 2024

I’m happy to announce that I will be speaking at the first-ever SQL Saturday Syracuse on September 7th, 2024. I will be presenting Answering the Auditor’s Call with Automation

As DBAs, we’re called on regularly to produce documentation for security & compliance audits. Being able to show who has what level of access to an instance is the minimum, but we’re often asked for more. Collecting this information and compiling it into something usable by auditors could take you hours or even days. But with automation, you can pull it all together in a matter of minutes while you’re getting that second cup of coffee from the kitchen.

Through the PowerShell demos presented in this session, you’ll learn how to build documentation of your backup regimen, who has access to your databases, and show that you’re staying current with SQL Server patches from Microsoft. Whether you have one SQL Server instance or one hundred, you’ll be able to create a script to automatically format this data so that it’s usable for your auditors - and hopefully be so complete that you don’t receive follow-up questions.

This session is mostly demos and I hope that you’ll learn something new about PowerShell along the way.

This is Syracuse’s first event and I’m looking forward to being part of this event in Central New York! It’s being held downtown in the building that hosts the food court where I spent many lunch hours at my first job, located directly across the street.

Please join us on Saturday, September 7th!