PASS Data Community Summit 2022

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As I write this, it’s the weekend before PASS Data Community Summit 2022 and depending upon when I finish, it’ll post either shortly before SQL Saturday Oregon, or in time for folks to read it on SQLTrain en route to Seattle. Summit has snuck up on me this year and far more than any other year, I’m feeling woefully unprepared.

What to Expect

This is my 8th Summit, the 6th in person. But for the first time since my first time, I’m not really sure what to expect. Many of the places we used to frequent in Seattle have closed. It’s a new organization running the event, new sponsors. It feels like there’s more of a focus on “the new stuff” than ever before. That means lots of things to learn from scratch, instead of building on my existing knowledge base. Which is awesome!

I’m spending some time this weekend going through the schedule builder to figure out what sessions to catch. I have a few requests from folks at work. But I’m sure that just as in years past, any plans will completely change as soon as the Wednesday keynote wraps up.

What I do know, however, is that the community is showing up. I wish everyone could be there, but I know that isn’t possible for a number of reasons. Summit has been described in the past as a “family reunion” and never has it been more true than this year. I have seen three #sqlfamily folks in-person since February 2020 and I cannot tell you how much I’m looking forward to seeing everyone this week. We have SO MUCH to catch up on! These three and a half days just aren’t enough.

Let’s Hang Out!

I wish I could spend the whole week just talking to folks but I need to attend sessions as well. But we can sit together in sessions or walk & talk between sessions (just like high school, right?).

My flight touches down in Seattle just before Noon on Tuesday and I’ll be heading right downtown. I’ll probably drop my bags at the hotel, freshen up, then head right to the convention center to check in and start finding folks. I should probably get some food in there too - want to join me?

Hopefully I’ll be easy to find (just look for the hat) in the convention center and around town. I’m on Twitter, Slack, both SQL Server Discord servers, and Snapchat as @alevyinroc - ping me to find out where I am. I’m on Signal & Telegram as well, and of course there’s always texting, but I’m not posting my phone number on my blog (ask and I’ll give it to you). If this is your first in-person Summit and need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to ask, I’m here to help.


One of the great things about Summit is the other events going on outside the “session days.” Here’s where I’m planning to be so far (scheduled may and often do change at Summit):

  • Tuesday 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM - Buddy Networking Hour
  • Tuesday 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Welcome Reception
  • Tuesday 9:30 PM - ? - SQL Karaoke
  • Wednesday 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - SQL Run/Walk (I’ll be walking)
  • Thursday 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM - Dinner
  • Friday 7:30 PM - airport departure - Crab Pot SQLFamily Dinner

Sleep is always in short supply at Summit (we can sleep on the flight home!) and this year will be no exception, as I try to squeeze other things in around what’s already planned. I’m always up for a snack, meal, or drink where time allows in schedules - just ask!

It’s Almost Time!

I can’t believe we’re headed back to Summit in just a couple days. Historically, we’re a community of huggers but I know things are a little different now so hugs, handshakes, fistbumps, a polite wave - whatever you’re comfortable with, it’s all good. I can’t wait to see you there!