I Will See You in Seattle!

A few weeks ago, I teased good news.

just got some good news. can’t wait to share it

  • Tweet by me at Fri Jul 20 16:42:28 +0000 2018

One person hypothesized that I’m joining Microsoft (it seems to be the thing to do lately) and another jumped to the conclusion that I must be pregnant. Both creative responses, but not quite correct.

I’ll be at PASS Summit 2018!

So much to do!

  • Pick some sessions
  • Make my checklist of #sqlfamily I need to see
  • Find a way to pack lighter (I think the iPad will stay home this time)
  • Up my selfie game
  • Get back into shape for #sqlrun
  • Print up some more dbatools ribbons
  • Figure out the social media photo situation (see above, “Up my selfie game”)

If you’re attending Summit, let’s meet up! I’ll be on Twitter, Slack, and Instagram (@alevyinroc across the board) all week and roaming the convention center & various evening events so ping me there to find out where I am.

Because Summit starts on Election Day here in the USA, be sure to either get to your local polling place that morning or follow your state’s process to request & submit an absentee ballot. Every election is more important than the one before it (that’s the most political I’ll get on this blog, I swear).