An Unexpected Side-Effect of Invoke-WebRequest

Recently I was working on a bit of PowerShell to download the awesome First Responder Kit from Brent Ozar Unlimited. The canonical URL for the FRK is but that’s a redirect to the GitHub repository where all the magic happens. I thought to myself:

Self! Rather than take a chance on that GitHub URL changing, use the “main” URL and Invoke-WebRequest will take care of the redirect for you.

So off to the PowerShell prompt I went and ran Invoke-WebRequest -Uri to start looking at the object returned so I could see what I needed to parse out to find my way to the true download URL.

Then Firefox (my default browser) opened, and I was staring at

Alt text

I was expecting an HTTP 30X redirect status code which, based upon previous experience, Invoke-WebRequest would honor. Instead, I got a 200 OK which is the web server saying “yep, here’s your stuff, HAND!”

Hmmm…nope, nothing there. OK, in a past life I did some non-redirect redirects through page contents. Let’s look at the content of the page itself (if any):

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content

Now we’ve got something. The web page itself has both a meta tag-based refresh/redirect and a JavaScript redirect, and that JavaScript redirect is being executed! How do we prevent the browser from opening and send the script to the right place?

Answer: the -UseBasicParsing switch for Invoke-WebRequest. From the docs:

Indicates that the cmdlet uses the response object for HTML content without Document Object Model (DOM) parsing. This parameter is required when Internet Explorer is not installed on the computers, such as on a Server Core installation of a Windows Server operating system.

Note that this doesn’t eliminate all parsing of the content, and it’s not required to get parsing done on systems without Internet Explorer - everything I’ve written in this post was run in PowerShell on macOS, where Internet Explorer definitely doesn’t exist. But what it will do is prevent the parsing/execution of the JavaScript that’s embedded in the web page, which is what caused the browser to open in this case.

Looking closer at the output of Invoke-WebRequest, there’s a Links collection that looks pretty good.

So now I can dig a little deeper and send my script to the URL that Brent & Co. want me to go to, and continue my search for the one true First Responder Kit download link by crawling subsequent pages.

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -uri $((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri[0].href)